Newspaper Clips, 2021- Present
Beach Streets, Downtown Long Beach: Thousands take to the streets for Long Beach's annual street take over with all kinds of bike, boards, and skates.
McBride High School Graduation: McBride's class of 2023 graduates after four years of ups and downs.
Ramadan in OC: A inside look at the Islam practice which thrives within Orange County.
Anaheim Vigil : Anaheim residents gather to remember journalist who was killed in Israel
OC Roe v Wade Protests: Laguna Beach residents protest over the Supreme Courts decision regarding Roe v Wade
43rd Annual Black History Parade : OC residents flood city hall for the celebration of the 43rd Black History Parade
Will Santa Ana Ramp Up Its Battle Against Taco Stands? : OC crackdowns on Santa Ana street vendors as business owners and residents apply pressure to city council
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