Newspaper Clips, 2021- Present
Beach Streets, Downtown Long Beach: Thousands take to the streets for Long Beach's annual street take over with all kinds of bike, boards, and skates.
McBride High School Graduation: McBride's class of 2023 graduates after four years of ups and downs.
Ramadan in OC: A inside look at the Islam practice which thrives within Orange County.
Anaheim Vigil : Anaheim residents gather to remember journalist who was killed in Israel
OC Roe v Wade Protests: Laguna Beach residents protest over the Supreme Courts decision regarding Roe v Wade 
43rd Annual Black History Parade : OC residents flood city hall for the celebration of the 43rd Black History Parade 
Will Santa Ana Ramp Up Its Battle Against Taco Stands? : OC crackdowns on Santa Ana street vendors as business owners and residents apply pressure to city council
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Micheal Murphy putting on sun screen on Sunday before a surf in Malibu, Calif. on May 5. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Micheal Murphy putting on sun screen on Sunday before a surf in Malibu, Calif. on May 5. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Murphy walking a dirt path next to Pacific Coast Highway on his way to surf in Malibu, California. Shot May 5, by DEVON JAMES.
Murphy walking a dirt path next to Pacific Coast Highway on his way to surf in Malibu, California. Shot May 5, by DEVON JAMES.
Dylon converses with customers about his collection of tattoos he has received over the years, as well as the culture that exists in Contenders Boardshop on April 14. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Dylon converses with customers about his collection of tattoos he has received over the years, as well as the culture that exists in Contenders Boardshop on April 14. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Dylon Blackledge, 30 years of age, talks shop with a usual customer about his board set-up and good times gone-by, April 14. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Dylon Blackledge, 30 years of age, talks shop with a usual customer about his board set-up and good times gone-by, April 14. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Joel Navarro waxes his board at Huntington Beach, Calif. on May 9. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Joel Navarro waxes his board at Huntington Beach, Calif. on May 9. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Joel Navarro watching waves roll onto the sand at north-side Huntington Beach Pier, while putting on his wetsuit on May 9. Photo by DEVON JAMES.
Joel Navarro watching waves roll onto the sand at north-side Huntington Beach Pier, while putting on his wetsuit on May 9. Photo by DEVON JAMES.

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